Deformation Mechanics

Since macroscopic deformation mechanism as well as microscopic is necessary and most important part in prediction behavior of material under loading especially in the case of large plastic deformation during manufacturing process, AMFRC carry out many investigation on various kind of deformation mechanism like plasticity theory, friction and damage in macro scale and dislocation, dynamic recrystallization and grain-boundary sliding in micro scale; both category theories were written in related commercial coding and were validated with sufficient amount of experimental tests. AMFRC also welcomes novel proposal concerning multiscale analysis.
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Journal of materials processing technology, Elsevier |
Publication year: 2002 | |
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Loh-Mousavi M., Bakhshi-Jooybari M., Mori K., Farzinand K., Hossini Pour SJ. |
Modares Mechanical Engineering |
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farhad, najafnia, farhad najafnia